Friday, January 30, 2009


So summer is in full swing, and if my scuba diving instructor is correct (let's assume he is), this will be a particularly long summer, stretching into March. I've never particularly enjoyed the phrase "sweating balls" (I was on swim team for a number of years and it never fails to remind me of speedos), but I think it (metaphorically) captures exactly the kind of weather we have here. I live in Academia (ironic, because the South African students I've seen seem to like partying a bit more than hitting the books), about ten minutes from the nearest academic building, and without fail, once you reach it, you're, erm, sweatin' balls. Also, air conditioning is few and far between, so that's why I walked the 30 minutes to the pool today. I think I'm going to lose weight here, whether I like it or not:
  1. They love braais, the primary food at which is boerwoers (sausage) and other red meats. I'm not a huge fan of red meat.
  2. I have to walk EVERYWHERE. I was thinking of shelling out R1300-ish for a bike, but walking every day means serious leg muscles. I've always wanted leg muscles!
  3. All the girls and guys are really tan and skinny. It's like secretly a school for models. I know, I know, it's great for my self-esteem. Anyway, maybe by osmosis or something, I'll lose weight.
  4. It's really hot.
Today me and my roomie, Alyssa (also an American; one of the 60 Americans [!] in my program) went to the Sasol Art Gallery on Reinveld Street and then the Stellenbosch Village Museum, where we saw some Dutch houses from the 1600s. I'm so glad we have toilets that flush. That's pretty much the historical significance I gleaned from that. Then it was off to the grocery store, where -- for whatever reason -- it was extremely crowded and we had to wait in line for 25 minutes. The grocery store, set in Eikestad Mall (if you've ever been to an American mall, this is the puniest mall ever; the main attraction is the grocery store on the ground floor), attracts a large variety of people: college kids, older Afrikaans-only speakers, beggars who ask you to please buy a loaf of bread for their dinner, white people, black people, tourists, susceptible Texans, blah blah. It's like your worst nightmare: picture a grocery store on Thanksgiving, only ten times worse. And that's how it was today. Awesome.

Pictures are forthcoming.

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