Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Attempting to finish the contents of my kitchen

I never realized just how much food we've bought over the semester until this week, my last week here. Ideally, I'd finish everything in the cabinets before I boarded the plane, but that's looking to be impossible. The almost-full jar of cinnamon? And why are there so many cans of peas? I don't even like peas.

Anyway, if all goes according to plan, I should be back in the States this weekend, provided British Airways doesn't pull an Air France.

I have lots of philosophical musings about how strange it is to live somewhere for months, knowing you'll have to leave, but that's probably better suited to an indie film starring some dark-haired girl with bangs. Well, they weren't that philosophical, anyway.

There are now just 8 Rands per US dollar. It's a good time, financially, to get out of Dodge.

In a related story, Facebook is a good medium to discover that, as far as the conventional social timeline goes, I'm way behind. When did everyone decide to get married? Did I miss the memo?



Anonymous said...

I'm sad that you are leaving South Africa. Because now that means you are coming back to the United States. Ugh. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to see you ever again.

But seriously gurl, I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog. Can you keep putting entries up as if you were still in SA? I'll keep reading it religiously.

Anonymous said...

And you will find upon your arrival home an invitation to the Chiasson-Oeur wedding.