Thursday, March 26, 2009

Zuma: I'm just not that into you*

These posters are plastered to most of the streetlights in town, and with election season coming up, I guess it's kind of a big deal. Still, there's something about ANC pres Jacob Zuma's face that's just... ugh. I know I mentioned the "cat that swallowed the canary" look last time, and I definitely think there's something to that. But something else was bothering me, and I couldn't figure it out until today, when it finally dawned on me. He has awful teeth. I mean, really bad teeth. Orthodontia is in order here.

Which led me to think about politicians and attractiveness. So, disregarding Zuma's past -- rape charges, ridiculous AIDS statements and corruption aside, you have to face the facts: he's a pretty unattractive man. Even with better teeth, he's still got that nose. And those beady eyes. And he's bald. Ugh. So, would a man who looked like Zuma be able to run for president of the U.S.? I really don't think so, for the physical reasons. McCain might not have been the most attractive person, but he was a hottie when he was younger; Obama is fairly glamorous (though I prefer the Obama of the early 1980s, during his Harvard Law Review days; yummy); even John Kerry went tanning so he could look decent. And I'm sorry, Zuma, but I'm afraid you don't make the cut.

I know, I know, this isn't the states. Most people here can't afford braces, and maybe the "common man" look, as well as his skin color, insures him the majority of the popular vote. I guess it probably is better to focus on the politics rather than how orange John Kerry is, but when you've got a hot political leader, why not flaunt it?

In other news, I think I'm going to the Eastern Cape tomorrow. I'm not exactly sure where yet, but me, Larry the Texan and Steven the Dutch guy are renting a VW Golf and setting out for five or so hours across the country.

Tonight I met a Norwegian girl who has a VW bug with flames painted on it. The engine is really loud and growly but it's really cute, and it's much better than walking.

ALSO, I ATE A WORM. Tonight at the student center we had International Foods Night and... yes, I sampled a worm from the Botswana table. It tasted like bacon (perhaps my favorite food)-- it was really salty and crunchy and honestly, not too bad. In fact (sorry, Sarita), it kind of tasted like bacon + Indian food. Very interesting spices. It was kind of yellowish inside, after I bit into it (the rear, not the front with the eyes), so I tried not to think about the insides and whatnot, but it wasn't nearly as scary as I thought. Kind of a healthy snack, really, much better than Choc-o-Break cookies, my latest bad habit (like frosted animal crackers. I know, what am I, five?). The French table had ratatouille and crepes; the Canadian (wtf?) table had salmon and rice (for the record, made by Americans); the Mozambique table had some sort of shrimp/coconut/rice dish that was decent; and there was a Mexican table serving enchiladas and nachos. I was kind of terrified to try the "Mexican" food and instead looked longingly at the Swedish meatballs and was disappointed by the so-called "American" cuisine, macaroni-and-cheese and apple pie. No chicken fried steak? Disappointing.

Brief blog break (BBB), but after this weekend I shall return with pictures of hopefully-somewhat-different geography and stories about my Eastern Cape fling(s). Stay tuned.

* I already broke my back, but I'd really like to not become a political prisoner this semester. Hope Zuma doesn't go blog-surfing...


Carina said...

Frosted animal crackers are for all ages!

Unknown said...

how dare you incorporate meat into indian food!
like i care. that's pretty awesome that you ate a worm. was it an earthworm? i guess so, it doesn't really make sense that people cook up internal parasites instead. way cool!

Sarah said...

It looked more like a caterpillar... it was kind of icky. But a little delicious!